Practice Your Answers

How to practice your answers...

You Do NOT Need to Memorize Answers One-By-One... When I was starting out in my career... I used to try to memorize tons of answers before my interview. The problem (other than wasting HOURS of my time), is it came out sounding very unnatural and rehearsed. And the answers got all jumbled up in my head and came out wrong in the heat of the moment. If you tried and felt the same way, you're NOT alone. Here's What I Recommend Instead: The best way I've found is practice answering common questions by writing down the 3-4 key points you want to hit. (not a word-for-word answer). Do it on a flashcard, a piece of paper, etc. Then practice giving your answer without looking at the paper, until you always hit the key points. This will help you save time preparing, and sound more natural. And if they ask something slightly different than what you prepared for; you'll still have a lot ideas of what to say. All you need to do now is come up with the right key points to mention, and practice...